Punjab Workers Welfare Board (PWWB) is the department of Government of The Punjab established under the Workers Welfare Fund Ordinance, 1971. WWF Ordinance, 1971 is actually the paymaster of the PWWB established under the ordinance. The sole purpose of the PWWB is to distribute and administer the disbursement of money fairly among the needy workers.
The board has its own independent structure that is controlled by the Board of Directors (BoD) that comprises the official representatives of the government, employers and workers. The objective of board is to provide various kind of services to industrial workers such as marriage grants, death grants, talent scholarship, maintenance of labour colonies/housing schemes, and running the Workers Welfare Schools in various districts of Punjab province.
Marriage grant, death grant and talent scholarship scheme of PWWB is available in all 36 districts of Punjab. However, labour colonies and Workers Welfare Schools are available in selective districts only. The all type of grants by PWWB are only for those workers/employees who are employees of an industrial establishment fall within the definition of worker under WWF Ordinance, 1971 and having at least 3 years accumulative service.
Here are guidance for filling the grant forms of PWWB
Procedure for housing and management
Eligibility Criteria:
A worker must employed in an industrial establishment which is
1). Paying PESSI contribution of the last 03 years.
2). Contributing to the Education Cess for the last 03 years.
3). Functioning without interruption for a period of 03 years
4). Is situated in the same district where labour colony is located.
Other conditions are:
- Worker or any member of the family is not tenant lessee or owner in any of the housing colony of the PWWB.
- No criminal proceedings are pending against him in the establishment in which he is employed or in any other forum.
- Has 03 years’ service at his credit.
- Must fulfil the definition of workman as per I.R.O. 2002.
- Registered with EOBI or Social Security
Applications are received at the respective District Labour Offices and following scrutiny by the respective District Scrutiny Committee, cheques are issued by this Board in favour of claimants.
For further details visit PWWB Housing For Talent Scholarships:
- Designation of the parentage
- Social Security/EOBI card number
- Factory card number
- Name of establishment
- Factory or establishment registration number
- Certificates of joining/verification/attestation from employer/industrial unit/mining firm
- Attach attested certificated from education institution
- Student must have 45% marks in previously passed examination
- Details of hostel in case of boarder students
- Declaration by both worker and student
- All expenses vis-à-vis admission fee, tuition fee, registration fee, and security fee are borne by Workers Welfare Board Punjab and an amount of Rs. 2,300/- P.M (for day Scholar) is paid as scholarship.
- Applications are received at the respective District Labour Offices and following scrutiny by the respective District Scrutiny Committee, cheques are issued by this Board in favour of claimants.
For further details and form downland visit PWWB Talent Scholarship Guidance for Death Grant Form:
In case of death of worker, an application for death grant can be submitted by the widow or in case of death of widow, next legal guardians can submit the application for death grant.
Other conditions are:
- A covering letter by the factory must be submitted to District Labour Officer accompanied by attested documents
- Death certificate (during service)
- Factory registration certificate
- Appointment letter
- CNIC of the deceased worker
- Factory card
- Last payment slip
- Social Security Card or EOBI Card
- Death certificate of deceased worker by respective union council (attested copy)
- CNIC of the applicant (attested copy)
- Pension book or legal representative certificate (attested copy)
- Contact info, bank account number along with address and branch code.
- Declaration by the widow
- Application must be submitted within 06 months from the date of death
Further details are available at: PWWB Death Grant
Eligibility criteria for marriage grant is almost same that is applicable for all kind of grants.
- Copy of Factory Registration Certificate under Factories Act, 1934 or West Pakistan Shops & Establishment Ordinance, 1969.
- Copy of National Identity Card of the worker.
- Copy of Factory Card.
- Copy of N.I.C. of the Bride and Bride Groom.
- Copy of Social Security Card (R-5) or EOBI Card.
- Copy of Appointment letter.
- Copy of Nikkah Nama duly attested by the Secretary, Union Council.
- Affidavit on Stamp Paper of Rs.20/- duly attested by the Oath Commissioner as per specimen given in the application form.