Being a plastic money, a credit card is said to be one of the most efficient and easiest ways of paying. If you have a credit card of any bank account in Pakistan then that means you can pay for goods and services or online shopping subject to the permission by the bank the card of which you are holding. The difference between credit card and charge card is that in credit card in addition to saving the amount you are allowed to get a loan up to a specified amount and limit, against which you will be charged with an interest in addition to principle payable amount. For example, if you have a low amount on your credit card and you want to make payment then your bank will allow you to make transaction up to a specified limit and in that case, you will become the debtor of your bank or bank will be your creditor.
Here is the list of credit cards being offered by Pakistani banks
Allied Bank Credit Cards
Allied Bank offers two credit cards for their customers.
Allied Cash+Shop Visa Debit Card
Askari Bank Credit Cards
Askari Bank offers two credit cards.
Askari World MasterCard Credit Card
Alfalah Bank Credit Cards
Alfalah offers multiple options for credit cards.
Alfalah Platinum Visa Credit Card
Alfalah VISA Gold & Classic Credit Cards
Bank Al-Habib Credit Cards
Bank Al-Habib has only one credit card.
Faysal Bank Credit Cards
Faysal Bank offers four different types of credit cards.
Faysal Bank Platinum Credit Card
Faysal Bank airblue Credit Card
Habib Bank Limited Credit Cards
Habib Bank Limited has three different types of credit cards.
JS Bank Credit Cards
JS Bank only has one credit card.
MCB Bank Limited Credit Cards
MCB offers two credit card types.
Silk Bank Credit Cards
Silk Bank only offers one credit card.
Standard Chartered Bank Credit Card
Standard Chartered offers a total of four credit card, including both VISA and MasterCard.
MasterCard Titanium Credit Card
United Bank Limited Credit Cards
UBL offers five different credit cards.
These banks are not offering credit cards
Summit Bank
Soneri Bank
NIB Bank
Samba Bank
Habib Metropolitan Bank