The concept of greener Pakistan was introduced and pushed by General Musharaf by introducing CNG in Cars as alternative fuel which became as huge and effected fuel imports as well. Problem came when Gas production was short demand rose quite exceptionally. There was lack future planing by Mr. Musharraf Govt.
This time Nawaz govt. came with the idea of Hybrid cars in Pakistan which were already partially successful as elite had already adopted it some posh areas. In budget of 2013-2014 Government announced tax exception to enhance Hybrid card culture. After this directive Indus Motors is also planning to introduce hybrid cars officially.

Out dozen popular models in Japan only few were successful in Pakistan which includes Toyota Prius, Honda Civic Hybrid and Honda Insight only. There were other rare models which aren’t really seen much. Cost of hybrid batteries remained main issue in Pakistan as their proper sale has not been started by any care manufacturers. Average battery runs arround 300,000 km but as most of cars will be used so we can expect half of run from them.
Toyota Prius
Prius is only popular hybrid car in Pakistan which is available in 1500 cc and 1800 cc refurbished models.
Price in Pakistan ranges from 12 lacs to 18 lacs.
Fuel average of Prius is 22 km per ltr.
Honda Insight
Honda Insight is another option available with rarely seen in market.
Price in Pakistan ranges from 16 lacs to 20 lacs.
Fuel average of Insight is 22+ km per ltr.
Honda Civic Hybrid
Honda Hybrid is another option available with very rarely seen in market with no real price condition as well. Civic Hybrid model didn’t had any success so far.
Price in Pakistan is pretty much unknown to us. Fuel average of Civic hybrid is also 22+ km per ltr.