Yes! You read it correctly. Captain Pilot Shahnaz Laghari is the World’s first baparda pilot. She can fly an aeroplane all by herself. Not only has this but she do it while fully covered in veil.
She is the only one in the World hailing from Pakistan and has her name in the Guinness Book of World Record. This shows that if one is determined, anything can be achieved and that also by staying within the boundaries of the religion.

This is not all but she is striving for the rights of women in Pakistan. She is serving the women of Pakistan by opening free education centers and sewing centers for poor women in Pakistan.
According to her Facebook page, she participated in General Elections 2013 in Pakistan as an independent candidate from Lahore NA–122. The electoral symbol allotted to her was a cow.
This really is an enormous achievement for a lady as Pakistani culture is considered to be male dominant and women are highly discouraged to engage in many activities.