Getting people enrage on social media in Pakistan is not a strenuous work, just your little carelessness can do so and land you in some serious trouble. Very similar to this is the situation of the DC Comics, who are being mocked on the social media after their pathetic revelation, which tells that Pakistanis speak Pakistanian.
Pakistanian, might be many of you haven’t listened to the word any before, it is not this that you are not so in, the thing is that Pakistanian is a non-existent language, although once the proficient comic makers DC Comics weren’t well aware of that.
The ‘Pakistanian’ controversy hurled the American based comics after they were totally wrong about the language which has never existed. This blunder of DC Comics was tweeted by a Pakistani writer Khavar Siddiqi who tweeted the screen shot captured from their recent release Superman/Wonder Woman Annual #2.
After the indication of this shocking mistake by Siddiqi people grabbed their keyboards and outshined the DC Comics over not even having this in heir knowledge that what language Pakistanis speak. Although, a little misunderstanding might have been avoided by the Pakistanis but it was a blunder as the top Comic company even didn’t get it in their knowledge that there is not any such language called Pakistanian.
The Karachi based writer via his Tweet not only indicated the mistake, also lambasted the proficient comic publishers, who even didn’t bother to check out a bit about Pakistan, while they were portraying the scene set in the village of Shimshal, Pakistan.
Here’s why @Marvel is winning over @DCComics – the latter thinks we speak Pakistanian. h/t @takhalus
— Khaver Siddiqi (@thekarachikid) January 5, 2016
This doesn’t only hurled DC Comic into controversy as following such an unprofessional mistakes opens up the lack of credibility and professionalism even among the top companies.
On the other hand, DC Entertainment said that they would not be commenting over the situation.
Twitter Reactions
DC Comics is trolling Pakistan. If they could show a comic strip of Lex Luthor learning urdu, they could have avoided #Pakistanian
— Shoaib Taimur (@shobz) January 6, 2016
Don’t worry you all, I spent all day learning #Pakistanian. It was really hard but I’m a proper Pakistani now.
— Mahvesh Murad (@mahveshm) January 6, 2016
DCcomics using #Pakistanian as language the most far fetched thing in their comics. more than the fella in the red chaddies who flies around
— HawkesBay (Löuche) (@HawkesBay) January 5, 2016
@DCComics Could you help me with my quest to learn ‘PAKISTANIAN’? Can’t find one school that offers it. #DCComics #Pakistanian
— Zawad Iftikhar (@ZawadIftikhar) January 5, 2016