An Indian Sikh named as Sukhpal Singh Bedi donated his 900 square foot land for the construction of a Mosque in Muzzafarnagar in celebration to Guru Nanak’s 550th birth-anniversary and Kartarpur Corridor Ordinance. This Sikh aged 70 years is a resident of Purkazi a town in Muzzafarnagar District in an Indian State of Uttar Pradesh. Sukhpal Singh Bedi wanted to spread message of peace over communities after the Kartarpur Corridor to treat everyone equally and with respect and so does respect ones religion no matter what you are Sikh, Hindu, and Muslims or what so ever after all at the end we all are HUMANS giving respect to someone besides their religion, cultural or racists believes does not cost anything. It is a huge message for everyone out there after Kartarpur Ordinance of peace. It shows the dignity of the Sikh community that how much they appreciate spreading peace. People from both of the communities step forwarded to brotherhood among them.

Sukhpal Singh Bedi proclaimed that Bedi’s generally dropping from the town in Lahore Bedian and originally are direct descendants of Guru Nanak. He provided the documents of the land to Zahir Farooqui, the Panchayat Chairman in Muzzafarnagar. Sukhpal Singh Bedi said it is the tribute to Baba Guru Nanak thus he felt he has a greater responsibility to act and work on the teachings of the founder of Sikhism Community Baba Guru Nanak who always taught the lesson of peace and love in his entire life. He also said that he made a small effort to the growth of the peace and love among communities beside any beliefs.
Also, in another similar thing, a father and a son from New York are raising funds for the construction of a Mosque in Nadala, a village in Punjab India. Darshan Singh and his son Jagpreet Singh have launched a funding campaign on the ‘Go Fund Me’ website. Jagpreet also added that when he talked to one of his Muslim friends he told him that in the village Muslim Population had to pray in shifts just to fit in the one-room mosque. Must say, Great act towards peace!